Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Are you a music lover? Are you free Tuesday, April 21?

One of the best parts about running a woodworking school is meeting amazing people. Seriously, I've met magicians and poker stars, politicians and brothel workers, and just about everyone in between that spectrum.

One of the more memorable people is Corey, who started out as a student, but has morphed into my website master and friend. Oh, and a table maker.

So when Corey invited me to an event at his house last year - I jumped at the opportunity. 

Corey and his better half, Stacy,  host small concerts at their home, and after attending one - I think it's a fabulous idea! They turn their living and dining rooms into a mini concert hall, and the shows are intimate and soulful. If you ever have an opportunity to attend, you should..... 


You DO have an opportunity!!! 

They're hosting the awesome group Vandaveer, and if you're not familiar with their music, take a look here.

Here's another one to hold you over until show time! 

I really hope you get the chance to attend one of their living room concerts - it's quite a different way to spend an evening in Las Vegas!

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